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Mountain Secrets Page 17

  She watched the two men plummet, then disappear in mist and foam. Her heart sank beneath the water with them.

  Oh, God. No.

  How could he survive the drop to the bottom, much less the icy water? Fear wrapped around her very core. The day Silas had died she’d heard thunder, a rare event in this part of the world. She remembered thinking about that, but at that moment, she’d had no idea that the sound had followed the lightning strike that had killed Silas. Her husband.

  And if she had been there to see it, what could she have done?

  Nothing. Maybe she would have died with him.

  But she couldn’t stand here and do nothing now.

  Jewel looked for a way to make it down from the cave. But it was a straight drop. Distress threatened to force her to her knees. She pushed down the panic and dread, turned and ran back through the cave, hoping she remembered the way out of the icy maze. She followed the drops of blood, easy enough to see on the white ice, then slipped through the thin walls where she’d made her escape. A lot of good that had done.

  She was running, pushing herself harder, even though pain stitched her side. Jewel wasn’t sure she could find her way back to the watercourse or what she could do to help Colin, but she had to try.

  God, help him, help him, help him...

  While she ran, she prayed harder than she’d ever prayed. Whatever it meant, the deeper meaning of it, she didn’t know or care. She only knew that Colin was everything to her. Finally, she could admit that now. Despite protecting her heart all these years, she was here all the same, losing someone she loved, if it wasn’t already too late. But she wouldn’t think like that. She couldn’t lose him, too.

  Finally, Jewel rushed from the cave’s exit, then hurried back through the woods and around, taking the same direct path that Buck had forced her to go.

  “Help!” she called as she ran. God, please let there be someone out here to help me. “Help me! Help us!”

  She would have thought Colin would have called for backup once he’d discovered Buck had taken her. But maybe he hadn’t had time before he’d come chasing after her. If so, then it was her fault for sneaking away. Maybe her mistake had been the catalyst to a tragic ending. Through the woods she could see the river in the distance. It spilled out from the falls a couple of miles from the visitor center. Out of breath, Jewel made her way to the riverbank, searching for Colin. Hoping she wouldn’t see Buck.

  “Colin!” she called, searching the water and rapids, remembering her own fight with a river.

  Jewel only thought she had been helpless before.

  She stumbled over a rock and fell to her knees at the river’s edge.

  And there.

  Colin floated facedown in the water. Dread washed through her. Jewel stepped into the liquid ice and hauled him onto the bank. He was heavy, especially with wet clothing, but Jewel was undeterred. Jewel tugged him up farther away from the bank, then rolled him over to immediately start CPR.

  She could only hope and pray he hadn’t been in this condition for long—five minutes or less and the freezing glacier water would slow any neurological effects like brain damage.

  Colin rolled to the side and coughed. Then he got to all fours, hung his head and expelled the river that had nearly drowned him. Groaning, he fell back on his back. His eyes cut to Jewel, but he said nothing.

  What was he thinking? “Your lips are blue,” she said, breaking the silence between them. “We have to get you warmed up.”

  “Jewel.” He lifted a hand. She leaned in to let him cup her cheek. “You saved me.”

  “You’re the real hero here, Colin. You saved me first. Protected me, then rescued me from Buck. If you hadn’t been there...”

  His gaze clouded over, a flicker of emotion shuttered away. What was Colin thinking? Did he hold her responsible? This all had come about because of her mistake. Colin had almost lost his life because of her. And he still might if they didn’t get him warmed up.

  Shivering, Colin twisted and climbed to his feet. Jewel joined him. He started to pull her into his arms and then hesitated. Because of his disappointment in her?

  “For whatever it’s worth,” she said, “I’m sorry about everything.”

  “Oh, Jewel.” Again, he cupped her cheek. His hand was as cold as ice. “No need to apologize. I just... I don’t want to make you any colder.”

  He shook almost uncontrollably and blood oozed from the bloodshot wound. Not good. Blood loss was dangerous enough on its own—it was worse when he was struggling against hypothermia. Jewel wrapped her arms around him. She could use her body heat to warm him until help arrived. Was help even coming? “Does anyone know where we are?”

  “I called for help when I learned he had taken you.”

  “It’s taking them long enough.”

  He nodded. “There.”

  Jewel let go of him to see where he pointed. Coughing, he stumbled forward. Jewel couldn’t hold him up without following him.

  In the distance she spotted two men hiking toward them.

  “Looks like someone from the state police and the local PD,” Colin said. “We still need to find Buck.”

  The two men approached. Jewel spoke first. “We need to get him somewhere warm. I pulled him from the river.” She explained as best she could everything that happened and that Colin had helped her to escape a kidnapper.

  “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll take it from here,” the state trooper said.

  “The kidnapper might still be in the river,” Colin said. “We need a search and rescue.”

  One officer nodded and assisted Colin up and took him away. The other got on his radio to get a SAR mission number initiated.

  Jewel followed, worried the hike down would take too long. Colin had called for help, for backup in taking Buck in, but not for medical assistance.

  Hiking behind them she listened as Colin explained about Buck. That he could be dead or he could have escaped.

  Oh, Meral! How would Jewel tell her sister? She would be devastated. After their argument, Meral could still believe Buck was innocent, and the blame for this would fall on Jewel.

  Then she remembered Buck’s words. I never work alone.

  A chill ran over her, adding to the cold that had seeped into her bones. She glanced at the woods around them as they hiked. Was someone out there watching?

  This wasn’t over yet.

  * * *

  Colin sat in the park ranger’s office off the glacier visitor center, wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot coffee. Considering that he had nearly drowned, he thought he was past the worst of it. He’d let the ranger use the GSW kit on his superficial wound until he could get real medical attention.

  No time for that yet.

  The trooper stepped into the room. “We found a body that matches your description. His hands were cuffed. He seems to have drowned.”

  Colin hung his head. “He never had a chance.”

  Jewel entered the small room, her eyes red rimmed. The fierce need to comfort and protect her rose up in him. Why had he ever denied himself loving this woman? The battle with Buck and then the waterfall had opened his eyes. Losing his life until she had revived him, the excuses he’d made before seemed just that. Excuses. But...she was a wealthy woman far out of his league. Colin had been out of his league before with Katelyn, and it hadn’t ended well. He would do what was best and walk away from anything more with Jewel. They were not finished with this business, and Colin needed to keep his head in the game.

  “We need to tell Meral. How are we going to tell her?” Jewel asked.

  The authorities were trying to locate The Alabaster Sky, which had pulled anchor and disappeared.

  Colin had already given his statement, as had Jewel, but there was one thing he’d forgotten. He stood and let the blanket drop. “Cambridge said he didn’t work alo

  Silence filled the small office as the words sank in. The ranger sitting across from him scratched his chin.

  “But that doesn’t mean it was Meral,” Jewel pleaded. “When he first captured me, he said he had drugged her. That she had slept through all the incidents. That she was clueless. She isn’t his partner.”

  No. Just his wife.

  “Regardless, we need to tell her what’s happened to her husband.” Colin eyed Jewel. Telling someone they had lost a loved one was the worst part of being a police officer. “And maybe we can find out the truth, including the identities of Buck’s accomplice or accomplices. But you need to stay vigilant, Jewel. Your life could still be in danger.”

  And he knew that well enough from his past.

  Ryan, the police officer who assisted Colin, rushed back into the office. “We’ve located The Alabaster Sky docked at Alder’s Bay.” He nodded at Jewel and Colin. “I’ll transport you there.”

  “Wait,” Colin said.

  “What are you thinking?” Jewel asked.

  “The yacht has to be waiting to rendezvous with Buck. I hadn’t suspected the crew, but now I don’t know if the crew or the captain is involved in his crimes or not. This could be our chance to find out.”

  “Buck planned to take me back so I could show him where I’d hid the diamond. Other than tearing the boat apart, I don’t know how he would have found it.”

  “What’s your plan?” Ryan asked.

  “I’ll return to the yacht and gather the staff and Meral and tell them what’s happened,” Colin said. “We’ll see how they react. If you wouldn’t mind sticking around, maybe you can catch anyone who tries to leave. In the meantime, can you get someone to run a background on the crew of The Alabaster Sky? See who might have any connection to Buck Cambridge.”

  “I’m going, too,” Jewel said. “This is my sister. I want to be there for her.”

  Colin hung his head, wondering if Jewel would ever forgive him for his next words. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Jewel. Despite what you believe, Meral could still be party to Buck’s crimes.”

  Her eyes blazed. “Look. I know my sister, okay? She isn’t capable of this.”

  He didn’t have the heart to remind her that she hadn’t known her sister for at least the past twenty years of her life. “I hope you’re right, Jewel. For your sake, I hope you’re right. But we can’t ignore that possibility, and in that case, you’re vulnerable. She could threaten your life to save her own.”

  His words cut her. He could see it in her eyes, but they had to be said.

  With a deep frown in her brow, she rubbed her arms and averted her gaze. But she said nothing in response. She knew it was true.

  With his words he’d begun to sever his emotional connection to Jewel. He could see it in her eyes. Nearly losing himself, everything that had happened, had him vulnerable and willing to let himself love. But he’d come to his senses. He couldn’t let himself get any closer.

  Caring too much for Jewel had kept him from pressing for answers from the start. If he had just pushed harder, found out about the diamond earlier, then maybe Buck would be in jail instead of dead, and Jed would still be alive. Getting emotionally involved just caused problems.

  Back in Texas he was too close to the witness in a case, and he’d kept that under wraps because his chief would have taken the case from him. But he’d fallen in love with her and had wanted to be close and keep his hands on the investigation. To make sure things were done right and she was safe, he’d told himself. And all along, he’d had his eyes on the wrong man.

  That had cost her her life.

  A person could never know where seemingly innocent decisions would lead or what lives would be affected. Knowing was beyond the realm of humanity. Only God knew these things.

  What irony that his bringing charges against the wrong man over a decade ago in Texas would end in him facing off with the right man years later. Colin feared his own mistakes—both from the past and more recently—would cost Jewel more than her diamond.

  He couldn’t trust himself to protect her. He couldn’t rely on his own strength. He’d done that before and had failed.

  Please, God, help me to keep her safe!


  Jewel boarded The Alabaster Sky with Colin, her heart torn over what she was about to do. She had successfully negotiated that she would be the one to tell Meral. But Colin wanted the staff there to hear the news at the same time and went to find them all. Jewel didn’t like this.

  There had to be a better way to find Buck’s partner in crime.

  She found Meral in the salon, curled up with a blanket around her. Worry lines made her look much older. Jewel rushed to her. Meral immediately jumped up and hugged her sister.

  “You’re back. I thought you weren’t coming.” Meral held Jewel at arm’s length and then, seeming to remember their earlier argument, dropped her arms. “What’s happened? Why are you back?”

  Meral’s gaze reflected her fear of the worst. She moved away from Jewel and continued. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Jewel opened her mouth, but she couldn’t find the words. Where did she start? But Meral started jabbering instead.

  “After everything that happened, I had a headache and took a nap. Buck’s so good to me. He found my pills to help me rest. When I woke up, he was gone. Stella told me he would be back soon, but she didn’t say where he’d gone. He isn’t answering his phone. For all the good cells do around here. But that doesn’t explain why you’re here, Jewel.” Meral’s eyes softened. “Unless you’ve come to apologize. That’s it, isn’t it? I hope you know how wrong you were about Buck and you’re going to stay now.”

  The way Meral rambled on, Jewel could see how someone else might suspect her of being guilty of knowing something, but from Jewel’s perspective, it was clear she’d been sleeping. Her speech was even slightly slurred. Buck had told the truth on that point. He had drugged her.

  “Meral.” Colin stepped in.

  Behind him stood the other crew members he’d gathered together.

  Jewel had intended to break the harsh news, but she lost her nerve. She stepped back, standing next to him, giving him permission, though he needed none. Even though he had taken a bullet and had almost drowned, strength and confidence emanated from him. Jewel tried to soak it in. She was going to need strength to help Meral.

  “I’m sorry to have to tell you that your husband is gone.”

  Meral gasped. “Gone? What do you mean?”

  “I’m sorry, but he was found dead.”

  They had made a mistake by being the ones to do this. Now Meral would want to know how it had happened. How would she react when she learned both Jewel and Colin were involved? She might blame them. Accuse them.

  Glass shattered behind them.

  Glancing back, Stella’s face contorted. She covered her mouth. She looked at Colin. Must have seen something in his eyes. Recognition? She turned and ran up the steps to the deck.

  Colin gave Jewel a glance and took off after her. Jewel should stay with her sister, but she feared for Colin, too. If Stella was Buck’s partner, then she must be the one who had forced Jewel’s Durango off the road. That meant she was as dangerous as Buck was.

  Jewel ran up the steps and onto the deck, but didn’t see Colin or Stella.

  Where had they gone? Had Stella jumped overboard and Colin followed her? Jewel rushed to the rail and looked over into the water.


  Eerie tingles ran over her arm. “Colin,” she whispered. “Where are you?”

  This wasn’t how any of this was supposed to happen. What about Colin’s backup near the dock, waiting to corral anyone who tried to escape?

  Jewel realized her foolishness. She would go back down with Meral and wait this out. But she felt cold plastic against her head
. A Glock? How many times would she go through this?

  “You’re coming with me,” Stella said.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You killed my father.”

  “Buck is your father?”

  “Yes. Dad and I worked together. This should have been an easy job, but you just wouldn’t give up.”

  “You mean I just wouldn’t die.”

  “Your words. Not mine. Now tell me where you hid the diamond. I can’t leave here without something to show for it. I need something from you to make up for my loss. It’s either that or your life.”

  All this time, Stella must have been searching, even while Buck had kidnapped Jewel, and she still hadn’t found the diamond on the yacht. Jewel had to keep her talking until Colin could find them.

  “How did you get a job on this yacht? Or is the whole crew involved?”

  Stella scoffed, digging the gun deeper. “Because that’s how it all played out. I got the job when the other steward conveniently became ill. Dad convinced the other guests who’d already booked the boat to take a later cruise. He paid them for their time. Who could say no to that? Dad’s brilliant. He knows how to work things. Or at least he did.”

  “Where’s Colin? What did you do to him?”

  “Shh.” Stella tugged her back into the shadows. “Say one word and I’ll kill him.”

  Colin jogged around the deck, clearly looking for Stella.

  Stella tugged her deeper into the shadows. Pulling Jewel closer, Stella shifted the gun and pressed it into Jewel’s side, sending her message loud and clear. Like father like daughter.

  Enough of this.

  Even with the gun pressed in her side, Jewel knew she could take Stella. She was beyond tired of this, and it would never end until Jewel ended it.

  She used the same moved she’d used in the attic on Buck, slamming her head back. It worked beautifully and left Stella splayed on the deck, gun sliding away.

  And then Colin was there, standing slack mouthed and staring at Stella. He looked from her up to Jewel and grinned.